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How to Remove a Cloud Water Patch Inside the Laptop Screen?

How to Remove a Cloud Water Patch Inside the Laptop Screen?

Laptop computers have become an essential part of our daily life. However, accidents appear. Spilling water to your computer can bring about various troubles, and one common problem is the arrival of a cloud-like patch on the display screen. Effective methods suggested by Your Phone Guy LLC experts to remove this cloud water patch and restore your laptop screen to its pristine condition are essential.

How to Remove a Cloud Water Patch Inside the Laptop Screen?

Removing a cloud water patch from a laptop screen requires swift action, precision, and patience. Following those complete steps can substantially increase the probability of restoring your PC to its finest kingdom. Adopting

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Difference Between a Broken Screen and a Broken LCD

Difference Between a Broken Screen and a Broken LCD

Most people do not understand the difference between a broken screen and a broken LCD. Our phones have a glass screen on top of the LCD to protect it from damage. The LCD beneath is the expensive one and is responsible for displaying

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Logitech Wireless Keyboard Not Working But Mouse Is

Logitech Wireless Keyboard Not Working But Mouse Is

If your Logitech wireless keyboard is not working but the mouse is working properly, ensure that the batteries are properly charged. You must also check if the drivers are updated and then try reconnecting the keyboard. If it still does not work, try

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iPad Screen Cracked But Still Works

iPad Screen Cracked But Still Works

Many people think that an iPad does not work with a cracked screen. However, this is not the reality. iPad can still work with a cracked screen. Although it may ruin the visibility of the screen. The tablet repair experts recommend fixing the cracks as soon as possible to avoid inconvenience. We have listed some common iPad screen cracks and simple DIY solutions to help fix them.

Common iPad Screen Cracks Types and How to Fix Them 

The Chipped End or Tiny Cracks

One of the most common forms of screen damage is the presence of

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What Causes LCD Screen Damage on Phones?

What Causes LCD Screen Damage on Phones?

Various factors can cause LCD screen damages on phones, often related to physical impacts or internal malfunctions. Accidental drops, impacts, or pressure on the phone can lead to cracks, fractures, or outright breakage of the LCD screen. Exposure to moisture, extreme temperatures, or pressure changes may also contribute to LCD damage. Internal issues, such

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